Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Luke 20: 27-47

It’s amazing all that happened to Jesus that last week that He walked this earth. Around every corner he had people challenging him and his teaching. We learn that Jesus was fully human so it’s hard to imagine the patience needed to deal with all that was thrown at him. Here we have the Sadducees in their arrogance challenging Jesus’ belief in the resurrection and the teachers of the law attempting to butter Jesus up. Jesus yet again responds in the most appropriate way filled with patience and the right amount of confrontation.

Friends, this Holy Week lets take the needed time to examine how Jesus interacts with those who confront him. Lets take time to pray asking for the wisdom on how we might reflect His actions in our own points of conflict. My hope is that we might receive the needed discernment to respond in ways that honor Jesus.

God’s Peace,
Pastor Brad

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