Tuesday, March 3, 2009

1 Kings 17: 17-24

In today’s reading we have another encounter with a widow. This time it is the prophet Elijah who meets a widow at the town gate. It is in a time of great famine and despair throughout the region. They are in Zarephath, a Phoenician town, indicating that the widow is likely a gentile. (Even at this time in the history of the people of Israel we get hints of God’s plan to expand his Kingdom throughout the whole world.)

This widow is in a time of great despair believing that she and her son are close to the point of death (see v.12). God however has other plans and uses this widow to provide for Elijah while at the same time providing miraculously enough food for her and her son. This goes on for sometime until her son falls ill and dies.

She cannot understand how God could allow this to occur, but God wants to demonstrate to this woman His immense power. God brings healing to her son and because of this the woman makes a profession of faith. God demonstrates that his power is not just limited to the nation and people of Israel, but to all people. When have you observed God provide for someone or something in a way that you did not anticipate?

God's Peace,
Pastor Brad

1 comment:

Yuri Steinhoff said...


I´m from the Methodist Church in Brazil named IGREJA METODISTA CENTRAL EM SÃO BERNARDO DO CAMPO, in São Paulo...

God bless ya!