Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Luke 11:37-54

In today's lengthy text, Jesus is again confronting the hypocrisy of the Pharisees: adhering to the letter of the Law, but ignoring the important human needs of those around them. For me, this has always been the struggle between Law and Mercy, Rules and Grace. As a compulsive rule-follower, I have to be very careful that I temper my need for order and living according to the rules, even moral ones, with the need for balancing grace.

Jesus, especially in verse 42, says that the Pharisees are so careful in following the rules of tithing that they even tithe small amounts of herbs. However, Jesus' point is that they should be equally observant in "tithing" their care for people. Many of us are likewise guilty of doing what is right externally, while knowing that we harbor wrong feelings and motives internally.

How is it with your soul today? How closely does your inside match your outside?

I am your fellow traveler,
Pastor Paul

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