Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday, March 10 Luke 8:16-18
In the teaching time this weekend I referenced how hard it is for me to “pay attention” with my leanings toward ADD. It does take extra effort to focus on what’s important sometimes. We are easily distracted. When I’m in a noisy room trying to hear the person with whom I’m in conversation, I try to focus on their face to see as well as hear. When it comes to hearing God’s voice it helps me to look for what God may be doing in and through the lives of others. Somehow it helps me hear better.

Luke 8:19-21
Was Jesus being disrespectful to his mother and brother? At first blush it seems so. I wonder though if he simply had this as a “teachable moment” to broaden people’s understanding that the journey of faith is not made in isolation but in community with each other…like a healthy family. How would it be to have the support, encouragement and even direction of folks who like you would be faithful in their walk with Christ? It might enhance our ability to hear and then do.

Luke 8:22-25
I’ve been in the boat! Storm raging, waves coming in over the sides. It seemed to me that Jesus was asleep on the job. I’ve pounded the gates of heaven shouting do something! In my journey I’ve found he does…but not always what I want. Sometimes he lets the storm continue but steadies me. Sometimes he lets the waves roil but provides endurance. Sometimes he lets the fireworks of thunder and lightening roll but let’s me see that there is something beyond that is good. If I had my “druthers” I’d "druther" not have those awful times of challenge, but since all human beings do I’m thankful that I can look to Jesus for what I need even when it’s not what I want.

Pastor Ken

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