Friday, March 6, 2009

Luke 7: 36-50

In this passage Jesus points out the inhospitality of his host. One of the Pharisee’s has invited Jesus to his house for dinner. It would appear by the way that Jesus is received that the Pharisee intends to trap or expose Jesus. This however does not occur, in fact it is Jesus who exposes the Pharisee. Jesus comments that the “woman who had lived a sinful life” offered him more hospitality than his host. The host is apparently offended that Jesus would allow such a sinful person who is so very different than he is to be in his presence. The Pharisee misses the mark. He fails to realize that we all “have lived a sinful life” and need to have our debt forgiven. The Pharisee implicitly values the sins of this woman as greater and more unforgivable than his own. But Jesus boldly communicates through his actions that he does not view things in this way. Instead, He restores the woman by forgiving her sins.

Friends, are we guilty of missing the mark in the same way that this Pharisee did? Are there times when we refuse to offer hospitality to someone when we falsely believe that their sins are greater than ours? If so, then let us deeply consider how Jesus would have us respond.

God’s Peace,
Pastor Brad

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