Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Luke 4:1-4

Have missed you all for the last few weeks. Thanks for the prayers and good wishes after my hand surgery. Am still typing with one hand, so I may be brief. Help me out and let me know what you're thinking! Your thoughts often stimulate thinking, insights and deeper understanding.

This story of Jesus being tempted raises all kinds of feelings in me. Here's what jumps out at me from these few verses:
  • Jesus is full of the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit LEADS Him into the desert
  • Jesus didn't eat, and He was hungry (just as we would be)
  • There's NOTHING nice about the devil's challenge

I understand why Jesus did what He did, but I wish He didn't have to go through that.

With that thought in mind, I'm answering the last question in our Luke Devotional Guide for the day: "Now, how will your life be changed today because of what you've read?"

My answer: When I feel as if I'm heading into 'the desert' (like my next Hebrew exam...) and am getting ready to face some challenge that I'd rather not, I'm going to reclaim the presence of the Holy Spirit within me, and know that Jesus is there, too.

What's your answer...come on, share.


Pastor Judi

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm new to reading the blog, but love to leave comments. :)

We are in the beginning phases of the adoption process. There are so many unknowns and we are trying to keep our eyes focused on God and God's timing. As for what will change after reading the scripture today, I think I'll try and be more focused on my WHOLE life, and the blessings I have already. It's hard to not get wrapped up in the "thing" we are working on at this certain moment. Stepping back and realizing that my life is not made of just one event, person, position.