Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 22

Wow, I'm the one still on pain medication after surgery...none of you called me on putting Tuesday's post on Wednesday and missing some parts altogether! Let's get back on track today, with Week 8, Thursday, Deuteronomy 6:13-15.

There's that word - FEAR. It's been confusing to me at times to understand 'fear the Lord.' To us, fear seems like a bad thing. I'm afraid to go to Wal-Mart at night by myself; I'm afraid of spiders (not snakes so much, but spiders definitely); I'm afraid when I roll that first stripe of bold color paint on a pristine cream wall; I'm afraid to walk across that swinging bridge at Grandfather Mountain.

But I don't really want to be afraid of the least not that kind of afraid. Here's what's cool about that: One of my Hebrew vocabulary words this semester is the verb 'to fear.' (remember that Deuteronomy would have been written first in Hebrew; our Bible is the translation.) The whole definition of the word is "to fear, be afraid, be in awe of." And in one conjugation, it means "to be held in honor."

Now, that I can do. Stand in awe of the Lord, hold Him in honor...and maybe feel intimidated (okay, a little afraid) in front of Him.

That I can do.

Pastor Judi

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