Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Luke 5: 10b-11

What keeps us from following Jesus in the ways that he directs? Unfortunately, the excuses are too numerous to completely list, but some favorites are…time, family, friends, $$$, incapable, etc…. Whatever the excuse I believe Jesus looks through it to see the real reason. You see Jesus understands that it is really our fear that keeps us from following in obedience and trust.

Jesus tells Peter, “Don’t be afraid”. We learn that Peter and the Sons of Zebedee trust Jesus as they “left everything and followed him.” These men examined their feeble excuses and realized that it was only their fear that was holding them back. Jesus astonished them yet again with the record breaking fishing trip and then comforted them by instructing them not to fear. They believe and they follow!

Friends what might happen in and through us if we would only believe and follow!?!

God’s Peace,
Pastor Brad

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