Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday February 18, 2009

Today's text follows on the heels of yesterday's text from Luke, both of which speak of Jesus' ability to heal. The story of the woman who has been ill for such a long time finally summons the courage to not only follow Jesus in the crowd, but also to touch the hem of his robe is healed. It's almost as if half the battle of healing is approaching him and believing that he can heal her. I have always found it curious that just touching his clothing was enough to grant healing, almost as if he was electric and "shocked" her with his healing touch. Did he know when his healing power was being tapped into, or was it like drinking from a free-flowing public fountain? Would everyone who was ill and managed to touch him have been healed, or was it selective? I don't have any particular wisdom or insight into these issues, but I am very curious. Any thoughts?

Engaging the scriptures with you,
Pastor Paul

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