Sunday, February 1, 2009

Luke 5: 1-5

One of the things I like about Peter is that each one of us can easily relate to him. He is by no mean a perfect individual. In fact there are numerous times in the Gospels when we observe Peter essentially messing up. He misses the point, says something out of turn, and at his worst denies Jesus.

In verse five of today’s reading we notice Peter doing something we all do from time to time…he gives a little bit of backtalk. Instead of immediately obeying Jesus, Peter feels obliged to inform Jesus that he really doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But, at least he eventually obeys Jesus and sets back out to the deep water. Why do you think Peter felt compelled to make that response instead of an instantly obeying? Why do you think WE make excuses and hesitate when we sense God asking us to do something?

God's Peace,
Pastor Brad

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