Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Luke 5: 12-16

What impacts me most about this account is not that Jesus heals this man, but that “Jesus reached out and touched the man”. This is very significant. Jesus could just as easily proclaimed aloud, “you are healed”, but instead he touches this man covered in leprosy. This very well may have been the first time in years that this man felt the skin of another human being. He would have been branded by those in his town as untouchable. Those gathered around would have been astonished that Jesus did such and “unclean” thing. Yet, Jesus disregards any societal limitation and out of his immense love does this life changing act for this stricken human being.

When was the last time you disregarded the thoughts of others to demonstrate immense love for another? Where are the so called “untouchables” in our towns, in our nation, and in our world? We need to find them, restore them and most importantly…love them! My friends this is what Jesus would have us do.

God’s Peace,
Pastor Brad

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