Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday, Luke 46-49

As I read this text, I thought about a great hymn of the church, My Hope Is Built. If you know it, sing the refrain:

On Christ the solid rock I stand
all other ground is sinking sand,
all other ground is sinking sand.

In this scripture, Jesus is explaining that there are two types of foundations. One is solid. That’s the one that is dug deeply. The other is surface. That’s the one on shallow ground. I’d much rather have a house built on a solid foundation.

The message Jesus conveyed to His disciples is the same message Jesus conveys to you and to me. His words are rock solid. All we have to do is listen and then act. I believe anything we build on that kind of ‘grounding,’ (our friendships/relationships, lives, etc) will be well built.

And, remember, …all other ground is sinking sand.

Blessings for a meaningful Lenten journey.

Pastor Dawn

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