Friday, February 27, 2009

Luke 6:43-45

Good and bad trees, good and bad fruit; figs and thorns, grapes and bramble bush; good treasure and evil people. What in the world is Jesus trying to convey with these analogies?

Sometimes reading Jesus’ parables is like playing one of those mind teaser games. It takes a while to figure it out, but once you do, you’ve got it. And, the really good feeling that comes with it is the creamy icing on the coconut cake. (hey, that’s one of my favorites)

When I think about Jesus’ parables I am reminded that this is a significant way how Jesus communicated to his disciplines. I think Jesus wanted to illustrate through every day images, how they were to govern their lives. Such is the case for us.

As I reflect on this text here’s the overwhelming thought that comes to my mind. When our hearts are filled with gladness and joy, we can share it. It is out of that kind of abundance that we can speak about the goodness of the Lord.

Blessings for a meaningful Lenten journey.

Pastor Dawn

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