Thursday, February 26, 2009

Luke 6:37-42

I’m combining Wednesday’s and Thursday’s scripture for my blog today since I reflected a bit on Ashe Wednesday for yesterday’s blog.

As I read this text, I immediately picture a literal imagine of a huge log protruding from my eye. My first thought is that would be extremely painful. My second thought is to simply laugh. I mean, come on Jesus, a log sticking out the eye. Really? Well, believe it friends, it happen to all of us, figuratively speaking.

I suppose it’s human nature to find the small faults in our friends, families and especially our enemies and overlook the glaring faults that we have. I suppose its human nature to want to ‘fix’ someone else and believe that we are perfectly fine.

Remember that ole saying, ‘when you a point a finger at someone, you have 3 pointing back at you?”

Jesus knows our human nature. Maybe that’s one reason why Jesus chose to use the analogy of a speck and log. Something so peculiar yet so profound.

Here’s a challenge for you and for me. During this Lenten season, before pointing out other’s fault, take a good long look in the mirror. Then, look some more. You know the rest…

Blessings for a meaningful Lenten journey.

Pastor Dawn

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