Thursday, February 5, 2009

Luke 5: 17-26

These men knew how badly their friend needed to see Jesus. They carry him for an undisclosed distance. They lift him up on top of the roof. They destroy someone’s property and finally lower him down to where he is right before Jesus. Then, from the roof top, they observe with amazement as Jesus not only heals their friend, but forgives his sins.

As we compare ourselves to these men we learn that we can only bring people to a place where they encounter Jesus. We are not the ones who do the healing or forgive sins, but just like these men we need to be the ones that bring others to Jesus. Look at the passion and commitment these individuals exhibit just to bring their friend to Jesus! They knew the life change he could bring. Do we believe as they did? Are we willing to do what it takes to bring people to a place where they can encounter Jesus? Friends, we don’t have to tear down someone’s roof. All we have to do is extend an invitation.

God’s Peace,
Pastor Brad

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