Monday, December 22, 2008

Pslam 16: 8-11

"You have made known to me the path of life." These are the words of King David as recorded in Pslam 16, but I think as we approach the manger of the Christ child that each of us need to make the same profession.

For when we approach the manger of the baby Jesus and think about who He is and who we are in view of his coming, the "path of life" is made known to all of us. We learn that Jesus the Christ has come so that we might have abundant life. Not just abundant life in the afterlife, but abundant life in the here and now.

Through God's Spirit we are led to live in ways that honor God and others. As someone who failed time and again King David knew about God's leading and correction very well. He was a man who understood that the only true path in life was God's. So as we consider the Christ child this Christmas let us take time to focus on the path of life that he taught and remember that it is the only true path there is.

God's Peace,
Pastor Brad

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