Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, 18 December, 2008, Matthew 1:19-20

Well once again, we are witnesses to the work of the Holy Spirit. Joseph desiring not to bring shame or disgrace on the virgin Mary, was going to quietly divorce her. He thought this might be the best way to handle this delicate matter. What happens? An angel appears and informs Joseph what is going on. Paraphrasing, the angel speaks, "No, it's not you Joseph, this is the work of the Holy Spirit. Stay with her. This is how it's suppose to be. "

As I reflect, it really is not always about you or me. You see, I think one way. Even if my thoughts are good. However, it that's not now how it is to be, I do believe the Holy Spirit has a way of getting my attention.

Joseph listened. I mostly listen. There are times when I... Hm, just being honest. How about you?

Pastor Dawn

1 comment:

alystremont said...

For me, I try to listen, but the Holy Spirit whispers. Add to that the fact that, unlike Joseph, I'm usually all too eager to tell whoeven will listen about how someone else has wronged me; hoping that they'll loudly proclaim I've a righ to hold a grudge. Amid all that clamor, it's hard to hear the Spirit's whispered but wiser advice.